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HBRC hopeful of resolution in Pan Pac Appeal

Published: 26 November 2015

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Hawke’s Bay Regional Council is hopeful an appeal against resource consent for an extension to Pan Pac Forest Products Ltd’s outfall into Hawke Bay can be resolved out of court.

The consents were granted allowing Pan Pac to extend its outfall structure into Hawke Bay and discharge effluent at about two kilometres from the Whirinaki shoreline. The appeal has been made by Maungaharuru-Tangitu Trust (MTT) who were a submitter to the process.

Yesterday’s Council meeting agreed to delegate full authority to the Group Manager Resource Management Iain Maxwell to work with Pan Pac and MTT to try and mediate an agreement to resolve the appeal while upholding the substantive decision of the Hearing Panel.

He says scientific evidence presented to the original hearing showed the effect of the discharge on the sea to be minor, however many see it as unsightly which has concerned local residents. Lengthening the discharge pipe into deeper water is aimed at solving that problem.

Mr Maxwell told yesterday’s meeting that the parties have met several times and are continuing to discuss matters in an effort to reach a resolution.

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