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Published: 26 November 2017
If you would like to give feedback about Emergency Mobile Alert, please complete our feedback form:
How do I opt out?
As Emergency Mobile Alert is about keeping you safe, you won’t be able to opt-out of receiving Emergency Mobile Alert.
How do I get it?
You don’t have to download an app or subscribe to a service, just ensure your phone is capable and updated. Find the list of capable phones on the Civil Defence website:
Why didn’t I get it?
Only one third of phones will initially be able to receive Emergency Mobile Alert. This number is expected to rise substantially over time as people replace their phones. Check if your phone is capable on the Civil Defence website.
My phone isn’t on the list! Why can’t everyone get it?
Emergency Mobile Alert does not replace other alerting systems, or the need to take action after natural warnings. About one third of phones will initially be able to receive Emergency Mobile Alert. This number is expected to rise substantially over time as people replace their phones with newer models.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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