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Published: 19 October 2017
A Hawke’s Bay Regional Council Environmental fund has helped subsidise the cost to people of taking their e-waste recycling to the Hawke’s Bay Environment Centre.
HBRC earmarks $5,000 a year to improving the environment in its Local Environmental Action Fund (Leaf Fund). Groups, schools and individuals can apply for up the $500 for their project, if they meet the criteria.
The most recent group allocated the $500 grant is the Hawke’s Bay Environment Centre in Hastings. The Environment Centre offers an Electronic waste/E-waste recycling service for the region. The grant means those dropping off their old televisions, computers, stereos and microwaves for e-waste recycling have received a subsidy.
Environment Centre Manager, Margaret Burgess, Manager says it was a great success.
“The feedback was all very positive, with some lovely comments. Any help we can offer that makes it easier to recycle and not send to landfill is a win for our environment,” says Mrs Burgess.
Other groups that received a $500 grant from the Leaf Fund are:
• Central Hawke’s Bay Forest & Bird for the enhancement of Lindsay Bush;
• S Smith Wairoa, for a SHMAK kit to assist with Te Waimaori freshwater course through Wairoa Taiwhenua;
• Pest Free Esk Hills, Napier - a pest eradication project;
• N Plasma, Wairoa - Growing natives for community projects;
• Te Kura Kaupapa Maori Wairoa for their native forest and vegetable gardens.
Sally Chandler, who administers the fund for HBRC, says while the council has two claims pending, there is still $1000 available in this current financial year.
For further information and to check the criteria visit www.hbrc.govt #leaf fund.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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