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Published: 14 October 2017
The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council Harbourmaster directs that an exclusion zone will apply for all vessels except those involved in the work to extend the Pan Pac Forest Products Ltd wastewater pipe at Whirinaki. This direction is in accordance with Clause 33F 1 (c) (i) of the Maritime Transport Act 1994, and Clause 3.8.1 of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Navigation Safety Bylaws 2012.
This exclusion zone will be effective from 24 October 2017 for approximately 3 months, or until further notice.
The exclusion zone to be enforced will be 2kms wide, extending 3km to seaward from a distance 50 metres from the beach. From 1 November 2017 the exclusion zone will be enforced from 100m from the beach.
The area is bounded by the following chart co-ordinates (Positions are referred to in decimals of a minute) -
· 39 22.31S 176 53.95E
· 39 22.90S 176 55.75E
· 39 23.85S 176 55.25E
· 39 23.41S 176 53.35E
Construction of the pipe work will take place adjacent to the Clive outfall pipe, so caution and co-operation in this area will be required from time to time. The lengths of pipe, some up to 500 metres in length, will be towed from Clive to the Pan Pac Whirinaki site, and these movements will be notified through normal shipping channels to avoid any disruption to other activities.
Martin Moore
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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