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Hui a Iwi

Published: 26 September 2017

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Kei aku nui, kei aku rahi, kei aku whakatamarahi ki te rangi

Tenei te mihi nui ki a tatou ano i ahu mai i nga rohe o te Mahia, hoki mai ra ki Te Wairoa Tapokorau, ka whakawhiti atu ra ki Te Whanganui-A-Orotu, ka pokai whenua ki Heretaunga Haukunui, kua tau ake ra ki Tamatea.

He panui tenei kia whakamohio atu ki tatou nga hapu karangaranga ka whakarite e matou nga momo hui

Na reira karawhiti mai ra, haere mai ra.

How do Maori feel they should be fairly and effectively represented at the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council table?

With the support of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, the Council’s Maori Standing Committee, alongside the Regional Planning Committee Tangata Whenua members, are inviting you to a series of local hui to discuss and seek feedback regarding Maori representation.

At these hui, the electoral requirements for holding this discussion will be outlined and options to consider. Your views and input will be critical in understanding the position of Tangata Whenua in this region regarding this very important matter.

Hui will be held at

  • Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga - 821 Orchard Rd Hastings on Monday 2 October at 6.00pm. Contact Marei Apatu,
  • Te Taiwhenua o Tamatea- Kitchener Street, Waipukurau on Monday 9 October 6.00pm. Contact Chocy,
  • Te Wairoa Taiwhenua – 46 Marine Parade, Wairoa on Friday 13 October at 2.00pm. Contact Duane Culshaw,
  • Te Whanganui-A-Orotu - HBRC Council Chambers 159 Dalton Street, Napier on Wednesday 25 October at 6.00pm. Contact Peter Eden,

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