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Published: 31 August 2017
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council voted unanimously on Wednesday to move on from the Ruataniwha Water Storage Scheme and focus its efforts on other priorities.
The ability for the scheme to proceed remains uncertain in light of the Supreme Court’s decision not to allow the Department of Conservation land swap necessary for the construction of the proposed Ruataniwha dam.
The Council’s new Chief Executive James Palmer says there has been considerable effort expended to deliver the scheme, against a backdrop of differing community views and a number of obstacles. He says the Council has now formally decided to stop investing in the development of the scheme.
“The Regional Council has a number of priorities to address. To support this the Council has initiated a capital structure review on the Council’s entire balance sheet, which includes the best use for the $66 million investment presently allocated to the now uncertain Ruataniwha scheme,” adds Mr Palmer.
HBRIC Ltd Chief Executive Blair O’Keeffe says HBRIC Ltd has agreed that, if the scheme is to proceed in some form, it is best led by other investors, which has proven successful elsewhere.
Council has authorised HBRIC to sell any assets or intellectual property developed to date in connection with the Ruataniwha scheme.
“A consequence of ongoing delays and impediments to the scheme progressing is the need to address the book value of $14 million, which was advanced to HBRIC Ltd to develop the scheme. Council has agreed to write these funds off, given the uncertainty of its investment,” says Mr Palmer.
He says both the Council and HBRIC Ltd now need to focus their energies on new priorities.
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