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Published: 24 August 2017
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council is calling on the public to help find who is responsible for a waste diesel discharge into the Awatoto Drain in Waitangi Road this week.
The dumping occurred either Monday or Tuesday this week.
HBRC External Relations Group Manager Liz Lambert says anyone who saw a vehicle or someone in the area acting suspiciously should ring the pollution hotline on 0800 108 838.
“Our Pollution Hotline is staffed 24/7 so there is always someone available to take your call,” says Mrs Lambert.
She says HBRC is also keen to find the owner of the blue barrel, which was also dumped in the drain, along with others further upstream.
Mrs Lambert says illegally dumping chemical and fuel waste can have devastating consequences for waterways, including killing aquatic life and destroying their habitat.”
“Anyone wanting to safely dispose of unwanted chemicals and fuel should contact their local council for advice.”
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
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