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Further advice sought from HBRIC Ltd on Ruataniwha Scheme

Published: 12 July 2017

Dam site Feb 2013

Hawke's Bay Regional Council’s Environment & Service Committee is requesting the Council’s Investment Company HBRIC Ltd advise the Council as soon as possible on the merits, or otherwise of further investment in the Ruataniwha Water Storage Scheme.

The decision follows the Supreme Court decision on the Department of Conservation land swap, which is required for the Ruataniwha Water Storage Scheme to go ahead.

The Committee is requesting HBRIC Ltd advise Council of any steps still available to progress the scheme, although the committee has made it clear it does not support obtaining the DOC land under the Public Works Act.

The Committee is also asking HBRIC Ltd to outline the implications of the Council shelving the Ruataniwha Scheme, so that Council can consider whether to remove the remaining $60 million allocation for the Scheme from the next Long Term Plan.

It also recommends Council suspend work on a joint Environment Court application to clarify key elements of the consents for the scheme.

Council staff will be providing advice to next month’s Regional Planning Committee on its work on the implementation of the Tukituki Plan.

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