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Published: 14 June 2017
A review of the region’s pest management is underway and a discussion document for a Regional Pest Management Plan is now available.
The discussion document can be viewed here.
The discussion document aims to get feedback on proposals to address specific animal, plant and marine pests including possums, feral goats, feral cats, Chilean needle grass and horticultural pests.
Urban residents may also be interested in the proposals for dealing with privet in built up areas, as this tree can be an allergy risk for some people.
“We think the management of 33 of these pests is about right, but there are some that need more attention and some that may need less. The discussion document sets out the current regimes with options for moving forward,” says HBRC Manager Land Services, Campbell Leckie.
People can provide input on the options in the discussion document through an online form on the Council’s website by 7 July 2017. Alternatively, HBRC can provide a printed copy on request.
Over the past 15 years, around 80% of the HBRC’s biosecurity budget has been spent on pests affecting agricultural production.
“There is a growing community expectation for a greater focus on protecting our native species. People are recognising the gains made for biodiversity from the programmes the council currently manages throughout the region, and there is a shift in focus in this plan,” says Mark Mitchell, HBRC’s Principal Biosecurity Advisor.
The Possum Control Area (PCA) programme involving farmers now covers over 700,000 hectares, and urban programmes are now set up in the main urban areas and surrounding semi-rural areas.
Once the input on the discussion document is received, the information will be used for drafting the plan for public consultation early in 2018. The Regional Pest Management Plan will supersede the pest management and phytosanitary pest management strategies currently in operation.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
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