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Published: 14 June 2017
Students from fifteen Enviroschools in Hawke’s Bay met on Tuesday 13 June at Eskdale School to present their progress as sustainable schools.
The Enviroschools Hui allowed primary and intermediate school students to share their passion for saving and restoring the environment with students, teachers, and administrators from other schools.
Students from each Enviroschool gave a 10-minute presentation on the procedures they are taking, collectively as a school, to reach the goal of a zero-waste school. The ecosystem restoration presentations included the use of PowerPoint slides, posters, demonstrations, and songs.
Students discussed programmes, such as “No Waste Wednesday” and “Nude Food Friday,” that they implement in their schools. These student-led programmes focus on reducing and eliminating the amount of plastic output from their schools.
Visiting students and teachers also had a tour around Eskdale School’s facilities. The Eskdale School students showed visitors the actions they are taking to maintain their Greengold Enviroschool status. Many Enviroschools, like Eskdale School, have compost bins, worm farms, and a vegetable garden.
The Enviroschools participating in the hui were: Eskdale, Argyll East, Haumoana, Marewa, Mohaka, Omakere, Patoka, Pukehou, Sherwood, Tiaho, Tūtira, Wairoa and Hastings, Napier, and Heretaunga Intermediates.
Information on projects Hawke’s Bay Enviroschools are working can be viewed at For more information on Enviroschools and how a school can become a part of this programme, please contact
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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