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Published: 6 June 2017
A second month of planting events coordinated by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council starts on the weekend of 10 and 11 June.
The weekend planting will be in combination with other groups. On Saturday, planting alongside the Karamū will be with the Waiohiki Marae, and on Sunday with the Hastings-Havelock North branch of Forest & Bird.
“The involvement of the marae and Forest and Bird members at these events offers a great opportunity for people to learn more about the plants, the habitats these encourage and the cultural history of the area,” says HBRC’s Open Space Development Officer, Ant Rewcastle.
Hastings-Havelock North Forest & Bird branch coordinator, Linda Johnson says, “Our branch members have already planted up two hectares on the Poukawa Stream and are excited about starting this new core sanctuary project on the Karamū Stream, with help from extra volunteers. We imagine being able to take a walk in the bush close to town with happy birds and happy aquatic species when the plants have all grown.”
The focus of HBRC planting events remains on the Karamū Stream this winter to continue a long term project to improve the ecosystem health of the catchment. The plantings create corridors of core sanctuaries, habitats, and small feeding stations which can act as stepping stones for birds, bats, insects and fish.
“The ultimate reward for volunteers will be seeing the native bush flourishing in years ahead and knowing they made that difference in the landscape,” says Mr Rewcastle.
HBRC’s Open Spaces staff make it easy for people to join in by providing gloves, spades, simple instructions, a safe working space, and a barbecue after each planting session. It helps if people register for these events here so that staff can plan for numbers. Others details are also online including location maps.
All planting events go from 9 am to approximately 12 noon.
Saturday 10 June - Waiōhiki (Tūtaekurī) community planting
Sunday 11 June - Pukahu (Karamū) with Hastings-Havelock North Forest and Bird
Saturday 17 June - Pākōwhai Regional Park
Saturday 24 June 2017 - Waitangi Estuary wetlands (Waitangi Regional Park) with Napier Forest and Bird.
In July, the HBRC coordinated planting events will be:
Saturday 1 July - Karamū Stream at Crosses Road
Saturday 8 July – Whakatu at Avison Lane
Saturday 15 July - Tūtira Regional Park.
Between these community planting days, a number of schools will be involved in planting at some sites.
For more information:
The ‘Te Karamū Enhancement – Review & Management Strategy 2016-25’ can be downloaded at:
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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