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Published: 18 May 2017
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council is keeping a close eye on feedlot and feedpad operations across the region this winter.
HBRC has done a lot of work ensuring farmers are aware of the rules around operating feedlots and given them time to remedy any issues and obtain resource consent if required.
There were concerns last winter about feedlot and feedpad operations, when a number of feedlots in the Tukituki catchment were seen operating outside the (permitted activity) rules for this activity.
HBRC Compliance Manager Wayne Wright has been part of the increased focus on feedlot compliance and says this winter HBRC’s compliance team will be undertaking flyovers to ensure farmers are following the feedlot rules.
“Any farmers operating feedlots outside the rules this winter will need to remedy the situation immediately or could face prosecution,” says Mr Wright.
He says HBRC’s compliance team will act against operators where effluent is seen to flow overland to a waterway. Feedlots or feedpads must be at least 20 metres from a waterway or public road, and set away from residential buildings and property boundaries.
As a result of the improved awareness of feedlot rules in Hawke’s Bay HBRC has received nine applications for resource consent for feedlots this year.
Land where animals are kept and fed for more than 15 days in any 30-day period. The density of stock or a structure - such as a concrete pad - prevents pasture or ground cover from establishing.
An area where animals are regularly brought for supplementary feeding, which prevents the maintenance of pasture or ground cover.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
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