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Published: 26 April 2017
The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council has appointed three additional independent directors to its investment company HBRIC Ltd, to help drive future economic development in the region according to Council Chairman Rex Graham.
At today’s Council meeting former All Black Taine Randell, former Napier MP Chris Tremain and Moore Stephens Markhams Managing Director Dan Druzianic were appointed to the HBRIC Ltd Board.
Mr Graham says the trio are some of ‘Hawke’s Bay’s best’ and will refresh and reinvigorate the board when they join next month.
“Part of the Regional Council’s role is to drive economic development in the region and we believe having these three experienced local business people on the HBRIC Board will help produce some exciting plans for our region’s future,” says Mr Graham.
He says the triple appointment will also effectively manage succession planning, with the current interim chairman, Sam Robinson stepping down as chairman at the end of June and another director retiring in the next 12 months.
The Council confirmed today that Chris Tremain will take over as Chairman when Mr Robinson steps down from the role at the end of June.
The three new directors are:
• Former All Black Taine Randell, who is also a director on a number of other boards including the Kahungunu Asset Holding Company, Hawke’s Bay Airport Limited and the Hawke’s Bay Rugby Union.
• Moore Stephens Markhams Managing Director, Dan Druzianic, who, along with a number of other roles, is a member of the Hawke’s Bay District Health Board and Independent Chairman of Hawke’s Bay Wine Country.
• Former Napier MP Chris Tremain, who, along with a number of other roles, is chairman of the Hawke’s Bay Water Joint Working Group and the Bank of China (New Zealand).
The appointments will take effect on 1 May 2017.
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