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Coastal hazards strategy benefits from community commitment

Published: 29 March 2017


Members of the community involved in Hawke’s Bay’s coastal hazards strategy are leading decision-making to manage risks from beach erosion, inundation by overtopping and sea level rise, and tsunami.

Two coastal hazard assessment panels were established this year, for south of Napier Port, and north including Napier Port.

Councillor Peter Beaven chairs the Coastal Hazards Joint Committee tasked with bringing community-led recommendations back to Napier City, Hastings District and Hawke’s Bay Regional Councils.

“We’ve already witnessed community representatives stepping up to tackle a large volume of work. These are big issues, which haven’t affected the wider community yet, but are going to become high on councils’ agendas,” says Cr Beaven.

“I want to acknowledge the efforts of the community members who have committed to this project, giving up a fair bit of their time. This project will deliver workable solutions with benefits that will extend beyond coastal communities,” adds Cr Beaven.

Two coastal hazard assessment panels represent a mosaic of coastal communities from Tangoio to Clifton. They are each responsible for developing and evaluating options, with technical expert support, to consider protection works, relocation or other hazard mitigations.

The assessment panels’ findings will go to the Joint Committee to make recommendations back to respective councils by the end of 2017. This work dovetails into next year’s Long Term Plan, 30-Year Infrastructure Strategy processes, at which time broader community consultation on options and funding will occur.

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