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Prosecuted for burning prohibited items

Published: 21 March 2017

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Hawke’s Bay Regional Council today (20 March 2017) successfully prosecuted a local contractor for burning prohibited items on his Whakatu property.

The burning constituted an unlawful discharge under the Resource Management Act. It included metals, treated and painted timber. The burning of prohibited items, and the resulting emission of toxic air pollutants, are known to cause cancer or contribute serious health effects.

“We simply want to reinforce that this kind of non-compliance is unacceptable,” says Mike Alebardi, HBRC’s Pollution Response and Enforcement Team Leader.

“We will pursue these activities through the court if necessary. It’s one of the strongest signals we can send to discourage others not to burn prohibited items. Metals, treated and painted timber are no-no’s, as well as tyres, waste oil, animal waste, chip board, plastics, medical waste, chemical waste and the like,” adds Mr Alebardi.

If anyone has information regarding pollution or illegal dumping, they should contact the Council’s 24/7 Pollution Hotline on 0800 108 838.

The sentencing for today’s prosecution is set for 8 June 2017.

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