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Published: 6 March 2017
Enviroschools Hawke’s Bay has secured a new funding partner for this financial year.
The Hastings District Council has agreed to provide $10,000 from its Waste Levy Fund to meet a shortfall in funding.
With the withdrawal of funding from the Nina Brathwaite Trust in September 2016, HBRC’s Community Engagement Coordinator Sally Chandler has been seeking support from other parties.
She says the funding from the Hastings District Council will allow the Enviroschools programme to maintain its current level of facilitation in Hawke’s Bay.
“It is wonderful to have this financial support from HDC. I hope it will continue and I encourage the other territorial authorities in our region to support this valuable programme,” says Mrs Chandler.
She says partnerships between different agencies with complementary roles are at the heart of the Enviroschools programme. Hastings District Council joins the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council and Pan Pac Forest Products in providing funding to support 30 Enviroschools from Te Mahia School in northern Hawke’s Bay to Sherwood School in Central Hawke’s Bay.
Mrs Chandler says the other partners are the Heretaunga and Napier Kindergarten Association, who have 12 kindergartens who have embraced this kaupapa and trained some of their own teaching staff to deliver within their kindergartens.
The programme is designed to effect long-term behaviour change towards sustainable practices. It empowers young people to plan, design and take action in their schools and communities.
Dominic Salmon from the Hastings District Council’s waste minimisation programme says Enviroschools is a great fit for HDC’s programme as it plays a big role in creating awareness of key waste minimisation messages. All local authorities receive waste levy funding from Central Government to fund waste minimisation activities and services. As the Enviroschools programme reaches so many Hastings Schools, it is a great opportunity to ensure quality waste minimisation messages are delivered.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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