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Published: 1 March 2017
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council has today taken the first steps towards appointing a new Chief Executive for the organisation.
Current Chief Executive Andrew Newman announced his resignation last week after 10 years in the role. He leaves on 31 March 2017.
At today’s extraordinary Council meeting it was agreed to advertise the position and set up an Appointments Sub-Committee to short-list applicants with the help of an appointed consultant.
The committee will be made up of Council Chairman, Rex Graham, Deputy Chairman, Rick Barker, Councillors Tom Belford, Alan Dick and Neil Kirton, along with Maori Committee Chairman Mike Mohi.
All Councillors and Mr Mohi will be involved in interviews of short-listed candidates.
The sub-committee is also delegated to appoint an Interim Chief Executive to act until a suitable permanent candidate is able to take over.
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