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Published: 23 December 2016
The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council believes involving all stakeholders is the key to achieving a “healthy aquatic environment” in New Zealand.
HBRC is conveying this message in its submission on the Ministry of Primary Industries’ management review document “Future of our Fisheries” being lodged today. MPI has been developing the Future of our Fisheries programme to ensure the country has sustainable, shared fisheries now and in the future.
Councillors Tom Belford, Debbie Hewitt and Neil Kirton have helped develop the submission along with HBRC staff.
The submission follows two key themes.
1. That the Council believes fisheries management requires collaboration between different sectors and that HBRC is already leading a collaborative effort in Hawke’s Bay.
2. That the Council supports the ecosystem-based management approach proposed in this document and believes that this holistic approach is the best way to tackle the complexities of the marine environment.
The submission says HBRC believes all resource users are responsible for the sustainable management of the marine resource. The most effective way to achieve ecosystem-based approach and a healthy aquatic environment is to involve all stakeholders in a collaborative approach towards research and management.
It says HBRC supports measures that increase sustainability and minimise harm to marine ecosystems.
Councillor Debbie Hewitt says this work is hugely important for the sustainable future of our coastal environment.
“We definitely look forward to leading this discussion with all interested and affected parties in our community,” says Mrs Hewitt.
Councillor Tom Belford says the Council must do its part to protect the health of the region’s our estuaries, as they play a major role in sustaining marine life in the Bay.
“This is what we mean by the need for a holistic ecosystem approach,” says Mr Belford.
Councillor Neil Kirton says the ecosystem-based approach brings a new era of involvement at a regional level, rather than just at a central level.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
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