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Published: 19 December 2016
The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council building in Napier is helping GeoNet gain valuable insights into how New Zealand buildings withstand earthquakes.
GeoNet’s structural array project aims to install multiple seismic instruments in about 30 representative buildings (commercial and residential) and bridges throughout New Zealand to gain insights into the earthquake engineering performance of those structures.
HBRC Asset Management Group Manager Mike Adye says the Council’s Dalton Street building has been part of the project for several years and has just had the building sensors upgraded.
The instruments installed in the structures record their performance in earthquake-shaking and severe wind events. The knowledge gained will help ensure that design and construction standards in New Zealand continue to improve.
GNS Science Earthquake Engineer SR Uma who oversees the project says not only does the engineering community benefit from the knowledge gained from the project, but there are other long term benefits including reduced disruption and downtime following an earthquake and assurances on building safety for occupants.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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