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Catch the bus to Christmas at the Park

Published: 14 December 2016


GoBay bus service provider Hawke’s Bay Regional Council are supporting this Saturday’s Christmas at the Park event at HB Showgrounds with extra services and special bus fares.

“This is a great community event that we really want to support,” says Transport Coordinator John Adams.

“Young kids can travel for free. Adults won’t have to worry about parking or finding the car, and we’ve managed to keep the fares to a low $2 for a return trip – Merry Christmas,” adds Mr Adams.

Special buses will run on Saturday afternoon from Napier, Flaxmere and Havelock North to the Hastings Showgrounds. Return buses will leave the A&P Showgrounds every half hour from 8.30pm until 11.00pm.

All fares are cash-only and $2 for a return bus ride. Under 5s travel for free.

Buses leave on the hour from the following locations:

1pm to 6pm
From Napier Library
– collecting at all stops on Kennedy Road and Gloucester Street to Taradale Town Hall

2pm to 6pm
From Flaxmere College, Henderson Road
From Havelock North Village, Te Aute Road

8.30pm to 11.00pm
Separate buses return to Napier, Flaxmere and Havelock North
– departing from the Showgrounds every 30 minutes.

GoBay drivers and Hawke’s Bay Regional Council wish everyone a Safe and Happy Christmas this summer season.

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