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Master Plan being developed for TANK

Published: 4 February 2016


Thursday February 4, 2016

A master plan is being developed in an effort to help a stakeholder group brought together by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council to set objectives and limits for managing water in the Greater Heretaunga and Ahuriri catchment regain momentum.

The group known as TANK – for their focus on managing the Tutaekurī, Ahuriri, Ngaruroro and Karamū catchments – has a forum of more than 30 members representing a wide range of community interests. Their efforts have been complicated by changing external factors since the group was formed in 2012.

Hawke’s Bay Regional Council new Group Manager of Strategic Development James Palmer has undertaken an initial review of the TANK Group process and reported his findings to yesterday’s Regional Planning Committee meeting.

He says much of the frustration shared by TANK Group members relates to the lack of momentum in its work, including critical science information not yet available, a lack of a clear overall programme plan and inadequate programme coordination, and a perceived lack of group leadership and management of background politics.

Mr Palmer will report back to the Regional Planning Committee in April with a draft ‘master plan’ for the TANK plan change project, outlining the critical elements between now and the plan change becoming operative.

Mr Palmer will present a proposed approach to the TANK Group’s future operations, including leadership and facilitation, following discussions with the Group in March.

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