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Published: 11 August 2023
As part of the cost-sharing package provided to Hawke’s Bay’s five councils, the Government have confirmed $203.5 million toward flood protection for the region.
The funds will be provided to Hawke’s Bay Regional Council specifically to support viable flood protection solutions for Category 2 properties. The funds will allow work to make Hawke’s Bay more resilient to future flood risks.
Alongside the Crown investment, the Regional Council will fund $44 million toward flood protection works.
Regional Council Deputy Chair Will Foley recognises it’s a large amount of money for the council to be receiving. “The funds have a very specific purpose and will help us to build back safer, however there will still be challenges and shortfalls to address as we move forward.
We’ll be continuing to talk with affected communities directly, engaging with the public and collaborating with the Hawke’s Bay’s four other councils to determine the best approach.”
While the major review into the performance of the Regional Council’s flood schemes has recently begun, Regional Council’s Group Manager – Asset Management, Chris Dolley says where possible work to support Category 2 areas is starting.
“Our focus is to turn the Category 2A to 2C, and then to Category 1 as soon as possible, to allow people to get on with their lives and ensure that insurance and finance can support the community to rebuild.”
Within the funding package, $70 million is allocated for a fully funded and greatly welcomed flood protection scheme for Wairoa. This work will be a collaboration between the Regional Council, Wairoa District Council and Tātau Tātau O Te Wairoa.
The project will look at the flood impact on all of Wairoa, but will have a major focus on the North Clyde area which flooded in both Cyclone Gabrielle and Cyclone Bola. The outcome will deliver a new flood scheme and supporting flood protection assets, says Mrr Dolley.
In Wairoa, community consultation has begun, and a project team is assigned to lead this important work.
Funding will also be available for major flood control reviews as well as provision for replacing assets that were severely damaged during the cyclone, such as Pākōwhai, Mission and Brookfield’s pump stations.
In Central Hawke’s Bay, the Upper Tukituki scheme review will provide flood protection solutions for Pōrangahau.
Within the Hastings district, a review of the Heretaunga Plains scheme will be completed as well as strengthening flood protection infrastructure to support Category 2 properties in key sites such as Pākōwhai, Ōmahu, Waiohiki, and Havelock North.
The Regional Council provides and maintains all the flood control schemes within Hawke’s Bay.
Property categorisations as of Thursday, 10 August
Cat 2P | Cat 2C | Cat 2C* | Cat 2A | Cat 3 | Total | Moved to Cat 1 | |
Hastings | 18 | 147 | 53 | 77 | 310 | 605 | 695 |
Napier | 1 | - | - | - | 20 | 21 | 178 |
CHB | 8 | - | - | 127 | - | 135 | 444 |
Wairoa | - | - | - | 684 | - | 684 | - |
Total | 27 | 147 | 53 | 888 | 330 | 1,445 | 1,317 |
Notes to editor:
Further notes:
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
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