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Published: 7 November 2024
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council is urging everyone to respect and protect our coastal marine environment by ensuring that motor vehicles are not driven on reefs.
Vehicles are prohibited in designated coastal reef zones as per Rule 131 of the Hawke’s Bay Coastal Environmental Plan. These protected areas include:
• Northern Coast: Mahia Peninsula from Auroa Point to the Taiporutu River mouth
• Southern Coast: Between Kairakau Beach and Blackhead Beach
Regional Council Team Leader Freshwater & Marine Science Becky Shanahan says fragile coastal reefs are under threat from motor vehicles, and their protection is top priority.
“Coastal reefs make up 35 percent of Hawke’s Bay’s coastlines and are among the most biologically diverse habitats in the region. They provide food for us to harvest and are crucial for the survival of many aquatic and non-aquatic species. They provide food sources, shelter, and nursery areas for marine life, while protecting shorelines from erosion and buffering waves.”
“Damage to these ecosystems can take years to recover and significantly impact the kai and species that call these areas home. Please consider this if you’re thinking about driving on the reefs this summer.”
If anyone sees illegal vehicle use anywhere in designated coastal zones, please take action and report it to the Regional Council. Take a photo of the vehicle and its registration, along with a geolocation pin or coordinates. If possible, include an image of the offender with the report.
Reports can be submitted to our compliance and enforcement team through the pollution hotline on 0800 108 838 or via email at
Learn more – Coastal Ecology | Hawke's Bay Regional Council.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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