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HBRC considering Water Bottling, Feedlots and Oil & Gas drilling

Published: 9 November 2016


The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council is considering potential policy development related to water bottling, feedlots and oil & gas drilling in the region.

At today’s meeting the Council asked staff to prepare a report on options for policy development for water bottling resource consents. In particular, this related to the potential to publically notify any new water bottling consent applications.

HBRC Group Manager Resource Management Iain Maxwell says staff are seeking advice on the legalities around publically notifying water bottling consents and will report back to the Council at its meeting on 30 November.

The TANK (Tutaekuri, Ahuriri, Ngaruroro and Karamu catchments) collaborative group is commissioning a report on the potential growth and demand for water bottling in the region. The TANK Group is also considering any new rules that need to apply to water bottling consents, including priority relative to other users.

Mr Maxwell also advised Council staff are undertaking work around feedlots. He says they are working with a contractor to develop a tool to assist land owners who require consents for feedlots and looking to provide more guidance around expected standards for feedlot operations. The Council has asked staff to prepare a report on the options for policy development to clarify the consent and compliance requirements in relation to feedlots.

The Council has also requested the Regional Planning Committee consider proposing a plan change to the Regional Resource Management Plan to prohibit the drilling for oil and gas within the region’s productive aquifers and surface water bodies. If it goes ahead any plan change process is expected to take six to nine months.

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