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Published: 22 December 2023
Te whakapakari tahi i tō tātau Taiao – Enhancing our environment together.
Our vision is a healthy environment and a resilient and prosperous community.
Mō tēnei tūranga:
He tino mema Te Pou Whakarae nō te Kapa Ārahi Matua o te Kaunihera (ELT), e whai kawenga ana mō te ārahi, mō te tohutohu, mō te whakakanohi hoki i a mātau ki roto i ngā mahi rangapū ki ngā tāngata whenua o te takiwā. Ka arotahi tēnei tūranga ki ngā mahi urungi i tā mātau rautaki whānui, ki ngā mahi whakapiki āheinga ahurea, ki ngā mahi hoki hei whakanoho i te Kaunihera ki roto i te horopaki o te takiwā whānui.
E whai ana mātau ki te whakakaha i ā mātau kaimahi kia whai kōrero, kia whai hononga ki te hunga whai wāhi mai o te takiwā, ki te whakapakari hoki i te tūāpapa o ā mātau hononga kaha, ptoitū, whai pono hoki. Ka whakarite tēnei tūranga tērā ka rangona ngā uara me ngā whakaaro o Ngāi Māori o tēnei takiwa ki roto i ngā tukanga whakatau a te Kaunihera, tērā ka tutuki i te Kaunihera āna kawenga ki a Ngāi Māori mā te āta whai wāhi atu, mā ngā kaupapahere me ngā tukanga hoki e rite ana ki te ahurea.
Ka ārahi koe i te Kapa Hononga Māori kia whakawhiwhia atu he tohutohu, he tautoko, he ārahitanga hoki e whai kounga ana hei āwhina i te Kaunihera ki te waihanga haere i ngā hononga whaihua, kia māia ki roto i ngā mahi whai wāhi ki ngā tāngata whenua i a mātau e whakarato ana i ā mātau ratonga, puta noa i te rohe. Ka tautoko hoki tēnei kapai ngā kaimahi Kaunihera kia ako haere ki ngā Tikanga me Te Ao Māori, arā kia whakanōhia ēnei ki roto i āmātau mahi.
About The opportunity | Ko te āheinga:
The Te Pou Whakarae is an integral position within Council’s Executive Leadership Team (ELT), taking ownership of organisation-wide leadership, guidance, and representation for our partnership and engagement with tāngata whenua. The focus areas for this pivotal role will be to guide our overarching strategy, build cultural capability, and reinforce Council’s strategic narrative and positioning across the region.
We aim to empower our staff to engage in dialogue and active partnerships with key community stakeholders, building on a foundation of strong, enduring and trusted relationships. This role ensures that the values and views of Māori within the region are represented in Council decision-making processes, and that Council's obligations to Māori are met through proactive engagement and culturally appropriate policies and processes.
You will lead our Māori Partnerships team to provide quality advice, support and leadership that will enable Council to build these effective partnerships and confidently engage with tangata whenua as we deliver services across our region. This team also supports Council staff to learn and grown in Tikanga and Te Ao Māori so that this can be better incorporated into our work.
He tangata whakaaro rautaki koe, e āhei ana ki te whakaoreore, ki te whakaaweawe, ki te ārahi i te tangata i te huarahi, ki te ārahi hoki i ngā huanga rautaki. Kei te hiahiatia tētahi tangata ka whakaaro whānui, ka whakahono i ngā pito puta noa i te tari, ka tautohu i ngā huarahi, ka whakakaha i ngā hononga ki te āwhina i ngā mahi a te Kaunihera mō te rohe, mō te hapori, mō te hunga whai wāhi mai. Ka whakarite koe kei te mārama te Kaunihera ki ngā take nui mō ngā tāngata whenua, ā, kei te rite ia ki te urupare tōmua, tōrunga hoki ki ēnei take.
Mōu e mahi ana hei kaiārahi, ka whakawhanake, ka akiaki koe i tō kapa ki te waihanga rautaki, mahere hoki ka waihanga hononga ki waenga i ngā tāngata whenua me te Kaunihera, ka tautoko i ngā mahi whakatau take kia hāngai ki te aronga rautaki o te Kaunihera me ngā Herenga ā-ture. Ka whai tūhononga koe, ka mārama pai ki ngā tūmanako, ki ngā kawatau me ngā aronga rautaki hoki o Ngāti Kahungunu, me ngā iwi, hapū, marae puta noa i te rohe.
Mō tēnei tūranga, kei te hiahiatia ētahi pūkenga, wheako hoki ki te urungi, ki te whakakaha i ngā hononga ki a Ngāi Māori me ngā iwi hoki, te āheinga ki te mahi kōtuitui, ki te kōkiri mahi hoki me te whakataurite haere i te hiahia ki te waihanga, ki te whakataimau i ngā hononga kaha ki roto i te taiao tōrangapū, ahurea hoki e pīroiroi ana.
Ka taea e koe te whakaatu he tino wheako ārahi mahi, he wairua hihiko, he kōkiri hoki hei whakapaipai haere i ngā hononga a te Kaunihera. Ka aro nui koe ki ngā kaha o te tangata, ka mauri tau tō āhua i a koe e kawe ana i ngā mahi ohorere o ia rā kei tēnei tūranga mahi nui, whakaihiihi hoki.
About you | E pā ana ki a koe:
You will be a savvy strategic thinker with the ability to adapt and change, bring people along on the journey and guide strategic outputs. We need someone who can think broadly and connect the dots across the organisation, identifying opportunities and maximising relationships to support the work Council is committed to undertaking for our region, community, and stakeholders. You will ensure the Council is aware of issues of interest and concern to tāngata whenua and is positioned to proactively and appropriately respond to these as they arise.
As a leader, you will develop and motivate your team to create strategies and plans that build meaningful engagement with tāngata whenua and Council, supporting decision making that aligns with the Council's strategic direction and meets statutory requirements. You will have well established networks, giving you a genuine understanding of the aspirations, expectations and strategic directions held by Ngāti Kahungunu, Iwi, hapū and marae post settlement government entities (PSGEs) and Taiwhenua across our region.
This role requires a proven ability to navigate and strengthen Māori and iwi relationships, the capability to work confidently in an integrated manner, and to make things happen while balancing the need to build and maintain strong relationships in a challenging political and cultural environment.
You will be able to demonstrate considerable leadership experience, charismatic energy, and a drive to continuously improve Council relationships and connections. A strengths-based mindset and calm demeanour will take you far, as you manage the unexpected day to day incomings of this busy and dynamic role.
Ideally you will also:
What we offer | Nga huanga mōu:
The remuneration package for this role is reflective of the seniority and strategic importance of the position.
Other benefits of joining our team include:
How to apply | I pēhea ki te whakauru:
Applications close 5.00pm on 20 January 2024.
View the full job description here.
If you have any questions regarding this role, please contact Liana Monteith – People & Capability Manager at
Please note that the team will be taking a break over the Christmas/New Year period so will not be reviewing any applications until we return to work.
About us | E pā ki a mātou:
At Hawke’s Bay Regional Council our purpose is to work with our community to protect and manage the region’s precious taonga of rivers, lakes, soils, air, coast and biodiversity for health, wellbeing and connectivity. Our organisation is diverse, and our work is varied. Our structure comprises of six key business units; Corporate Services, Integrated Catchment Management, Asset Management, Māori Partnerships, Policy & Regulation, and the Executive Advisory Group which also consists of the Civil Defence and Emergency Management.
We focus on prioritising:
Te kounga o te wai, te haumarutanga me te mārohirohi ā-āhuarangi o te whakamarutanga | Water quality, safety and climate-resilient security.
Kia koi, kia toitū hoki te whakamahinga o te whenua | Climate-smart and sustainable land use.
Kia ora, kia āhei, kia mārohirohi ā-āhuarangi hoki te rerenga rauropi | Healthy, functioning and climate-resilient biodiversity.
Kia toitū, kia mārohirohi ā-āhuarangi hoki ngā ratonga me ngā hanganga ā-whare | Sustainable and climate-resilient services and infrastructure.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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