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Published: 18 August 2023
Applications close on 31 August for commercial entities to access Government funding to recover some of the costs of sediment and debris clean-up on their land following Cyclone Gabrielle.
Silt Recovery Taskforce Lead, Darren de Klerk, says applications for the Government funding of $62.6 million have been extended twice to help as many commercial entities as possible get the support they need.
“The funding is to help commercial businesses around Hawke’s Bay pay for the clean up after sediment and debris was dumped on their land by flooding from Cyclone Gabrielle,” says Mr de Klerk.
“We’ve worked closely with industry and business to help them with applying for the Sediment and Silt Recovery Fund for commercial entities. There have been a number of online sessions and seven drop-in sessions around the rohe to help businesses with their applications for the commercial fund."
“We’ve heard from the business community that there wasn’t enough time to get the information together for the application, and have extended the closing date for the fund to the end of August.”
As of 17 August, 290 applications had been received, and 196 commercial entities have received or will receive $16,082,376.
“We have funding available and encourage commercial entities who are thinking about putting an application to do so by 31 August. The funding is there either for work done before now or work that needs to be done - pull your invoices or quotes together and head online to make an application.”
“We set up a rigorous application process to get affected commercial entities the financial support they need. If you need support with the application process please get in touch through 0800 108 838 or”
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council will be administering the fund based on the amount and eligibility criteria set by the Government. Commercial entities can apply on the Regional Council’s website from 31 August 2023.
Notes to editor
Commercial Entities may be eligible for:
Comms Advisor Rebecca Ashcroft | 022 069 6635
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
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