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Published: 28 September 2016
An initial meeting between the Regional Harbourmaster Martin Moore and a number of Wairoa River users on Monday night (26 September) ended with an agreement to meet again to discuss concerns in more detail.
The region’s Navigation Safety Bylaw is up for review and this also covers Wairoa River, as well as coastal zones such as Mahia-Mahanga boat ramp areas. Six people attended the Monday meeting at the Wairoa Ski Club and they covered yacht club, rowing, waka ama and boating interests.
“It was an excellent meeting and initial discussion, and the guys who came along were well prepared and had thought through their issues,” he says.
“I will be back in Wairoa to meet with them again soon, and get more familiar with their navigation safety concerns.”
Mr Moore says that those present at the meeting agreed that there’s generally a good system on the river, and that clubs, boaties and fishermen work in well together. However there are areas for improvement, and practices that can be formalised in the bylaw, such as designated swimming zones.
“The bylaw can support these common practices and courtesies by making these very clear and ensure safety for everyone is a priority,” says Mr Moore.
He says that one aspect under consideration in this bylaw review is the compulsory registration and identification of jetskis.
“Jetskis are unfortunately known as the biggest nuisance on rivers and beaches. Jetskiers involved in clubs know the water and safety rules, but some others don’t care. Registration will help identify any jetskier being a hazard to themselves or others, and also will help prevent theft of machines.”
Mr Moore plans to be back in Wairoa within the month. Anyone who wishes to talk or meet with him are asked to contact him on 027 445 5592.
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