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Stopbank repair map available for the public

Published: 21 March 2023

Stopbank Map

Our teams are working hard to repair critical flood infrastructure and a stopbank map is now available for the community to see repair progress.

This map can be found here and will be updated regularly. We will soon also have a similar map available for drainage work.

Asset Management Group Manager Chris Dolley says the Council has made good progress repairing flood infrastructure.

“We have finished repairing the stopbank breach at Awatoto, and 21 pumps have removed the equivalent of 1440 Olympic swimming pools of pooled water in the area behind the Ravensdown plant.  The pump station has been repaired and wood debris is being removed.”

Staff have been sent to Wairoa to undertake maintenance on Awatere stream over the next two weeks. 

Drain clearing is now complete at the Mission, Waitomo, Awatoto, McLeod, Ericksen, Brookfield, Pākōwhai drains and the Tūtaekurī-Waimate overflow, says Mr Dolley.

Work on clearing drains will continue for next two months. Silt continues to wash into drains so many are requiring to be dug out multiple times.  The Council is planning to fly over drain areas and seed the silt near the drains in the next couple of weeks.

Work to open the regional parks also continues.

“It was great that we were able to open Pākōwhai park on Saturday, which is treasured by the community. It will be another week or so before Waitangi is open, and then Pekapeka will open a few weeks later.

Hawke’s Bay Trails now has 70 percent of the cycle network open and able to be used.  See for the latest map.

“The remaining closed tracks have significant damage due to stopbank damage, roading/trail slips, or destroyed bridges. We are assessing options for the remediation of the most-damaged sections and hope to open the remaining tracks over the coming months,” he says.

We have completed removing wood waste from the base of the bridge at Waiohiki. The Council is progressively moving down the Tūtaekurī removing material from motorway bridge and Brookfields bridge.

If you have silt or wood waste on a lifestyle block, farm or orchard, HBRC will be able to help you remove larger volumes.  Landowners are to move it to a location on their own property with suitable access for trucks. Contact the Council on 0800 108 838 as HBRC will coordinate with a contractor for the removal of the silt and wood waste.

Brendon Lane, Communications Advisor | E | P 027 320 3523

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