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Future energy use in Hawke’s Bay up for discussion

Published: 30 August 2016

energy futures

More than 20 people from local councils, iwi, industry, power companies and environmental groups gathered to begin preparing a long term vision for the best use of energy in the region.

On the agenda was everything from the type of energy the region currently uses to the potential for solar energy, electric cars and the development of bioenergy.

Meeting participants agreed the key areas to be addressed are the affordability of energy for the people of Hawke’s Bay, reducing the region’s carbon footprint, ensuring the resilience of energy supply in the region, encouraging greater energy efficiency and minimising the cultural effects on Tangata Whenua.

Participants agreed Hawke’s Bay can improve its energy use and will now work to develop an energy vision statement for Hawke’s Bay as the first step in considering future energy use in the region.

It was also agreed there was value in ensuring the vision aligns with the Regional Economic Development Strategy (REDS) which was launched last month.

The next step is for those represented at today’s meeting to report back on the work they are already doing in the energy space, with the view to finding additional opportunities to improve energy usage in the future.

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