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Hawke’s Bay public bus services are experiencing an increase in cancellations due to driver shortages from COVID-19 and seasonal illnesses.
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council is working closely with its bus operator Go Bus, to monitor and minimise the disruptions. Go Bus are actively recruiting new drivers and aim to have goBay services back to full driver capacity in July.
Regional Council Regulation & Policy Group Manager Katrina Brunton says providing a reliable bus service that connects the Hawke’s Bay community to where they need to go is a top priority for the council.
“We are doing our best to help communities get around and make sure as much notice as possible is given around details of altered timetables. Keep an eye on the goBay Facebook page for the most up to date information.”
“In the meantime, Go Bus is doing their best to keep services running and we would greatly appreciate patience and understanding from the community. We ask passengers to please treat drivers with respect during this challenging time.”
Check the goBay Facebook page before travelling for schedule changes.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
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