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Published: 29 April 2022
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council is asking the community about being part of a council-controlled organisation with other regional councils in New Zealand.
The company would support shared services and collaborative activities across the regional sector.
The 16 regional and unitary councils in New Zealand already work together on areas of shared interest, and now wish to take this arrangement a step further by creating a shared services company.
HBRC chief executive James Palmer supports Hawke’s Bay’s involvement in this new council-controlled organisation, with the aim being to improve outcomes, improve access to specialist and expensive resources, reduce costs and share risks.
“Each regional council is facing increased demands from central Government to deliver against a range of reform packages,” says Mr Palmer.
“Like other organisations that compete in the same market for talent, we’re struggling to attract and retain staff, and carry out the full complement of our services effectively. That’s why our preferred approach is to take part-ownership in a new shared-service company. We would access solutions specifically designed for regional councils, and people with specialist knowledge in IT, regulatory services, biodiversity and land management functions.
The CCO would result in the restructuring of Regional Software Holdings Limited, a current CCO created by six regional councils that serves a similar purpose.
HBRC is asking for community feedback on the proposal to take part in the new CCO from 29 April until 15 May.
A public hearing will be held on 1 June and a final decision made on 29 June.
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Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
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