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Published: 23 August 2016
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council is giving full attention to investigating the water issue that laid low over four thousand Havelock North residents.
Interim Chief Executive Liz Lambert is holding twice daily briefings with key staff as HBRC works to identify the source of the township’s water contamination issue.
“We understand how hard this has hit the Havelock North community, and we’re working very hard with Hastings District Council and the District Health Board to understand how this issue came about, and to respond to it,” says Mrs Lambert.
“The knock-on effect of this gastro outbreak on families, friends, the business community, the wider region, even our own staff has been huge. We really feel for the community. Our science field staff and technicians have been sampling water for E. coli in both groundwater and surface water in the vicinity of the Brookvale bores. We are also sampling for other parameters, such as the age of the water,” says Mrs Lambert.
The results to date indicate no evidence of widespread contamination of the aquifer. The Regional Council continues to investigate groundwater flow paths and sources.
“We are continuing with this level of systematic testing and have a team of experts working on this as a top priority,” adds Mrs Lambert.
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