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Published: 12 April 2022
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s proposed representation arrangements have been confirmed by the Local Government Commission.
Following consultation with the community in September 2021, the Council proposed to change the current configuration of nine councillors and five constituencies, by adding a further two Māori constituencies.
The Council considered that 11 councillors provide effective and fair representation for the identified communities of interest and electors.
As six of its seven constituencies did not comply with the fair representation criteria the Regional Council was required, under section 19V(4) of the Local Electoral Act 2001, to refer its proposal to the Commission for determination.
The Commission looked at three factors when reviewing the proposal - communities of interest, effective representation of communities of interest, and fair representation for electors.
Following its review, the Commission agreed with the proposal from the Regional Council and decided the Hawke’s Bay Region will be divided into seven constituencies:
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