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Published: 18 August 2016
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council seeks public input on a proposal from its investment company, Hawke’s Bay Regional Investment Company Ltd (HBRIC Ltd), to establish a Council Controlled Trading Organisation (CCTO). The CCTO would carry out operational work on the Ruataniwha Water Storage Scheme (Ruataniwha Scheme) under a services agreement with the Ruataniwha Water Limited Partnership. This CCTO is referred to in this consultation as ‘ServiceCo’ but will be renamed on its formation.
The principal responsibilities of the proposed ServiceCo will be to:
• Provide an operational site for the Ruataniwha Scheme, securing all required land
• Responsibility to ensure all resource consent requirements and obligations for the scheme are implemented, including various liaison groups, management plans and mitigation works
• Market and execute new water user agreements
• Establish billing and invoice processes
• Deliver technical operating and maintenance services.
ServiceCo will be established as a limited liability company with no financial recourse to Hawke’s Bay Regional Council.
The administration and operational activities of ServiceCo will be fully funded by Ruataniwha Water Limited Partnership (RWLP). ServiceCo will create an Operations and Maintenance Contract with RWLP to deliver agreed services and will be fully funded by RWLP for these services.
ServiceCo will be a subsidiary of HBRIC Ltd and will carry out the operational work for the Limited Partnership/ General Partner (RWM Ltd). This will be conducted via a service agreement with Ruataniwha Water Limited Partnership.
ServiceCo will be established at financial close, at which point an agreement with RWM Ltd will be entered into.
More Information & Submissions
Written submissions will be received by HBRC up until 5pm Friday 9 September 2016. Any person wishing to be heard should indicate this in their submission. Council will hear submissions on Monday 19 September 2016. You can complete your submission online
Alternatively you can email: (please include ‘CCTO Submission’ in the Subject line) or mail to Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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