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Hastings by-election vote extended to 24 September

Published: 28 August 2021


It has been decided to extend the election period for the current Hastings By-election so that postal votes can now be accepted until midday on Friday 24 September 2021.

The decision was made by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s Electoral Officer Leeanne Hooper after considering the duration of the current Alert Level 4 lockdown.

“We’ve pushed out the date to receive postal votes until 24 September to ensure that electors have every opportunity to cast their vote,” says Ms Hooper.

New Zealand is currently at Alert Level 4 and will continue at this level until 11.59pm on Tuesday 31 August, at which time Hawke’s Bay and most of the rest of the country will move to Alert Level 3, with the exception of the Auckland and Northland regions.

This decision is in line with the provisions of the Local Electoral Act 2001.

There is more information on the Regional Council’s Hastings By-election at, search: #vote.

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