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Published: 27 July 2021
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council says its seventh successful prosecution this year sends a strong message that illegal burning will not be tolerated.
Blair Glasgow, who owns and operates an orchard in Hastings, pleaded guilty in the Hastings District Court to burning a fire containing prohibited materials on his Te Aute Rd property in November last year. He was fined $11,200.
The fire breached Regional Council burning rules. The burn pile included a number of prohibited items including black irrigation pipe (plastic), fencing wire, a chainsaw, corrugated iron, tin cans and other items of coated metal.
Judge Melinda Dickey said that Mr Glasgow should have made himself aware of the requirements regarding outdoor fires.
“I find that Mr Glasgow was careless in his approach to the lighting of the fire, and the materials placed in it. If he had made enquiries of the Council and ascertained the rules, this offending could have been avoided.”
Regional Council Group Manager Policy and Regulation, Katrina Brunton says this most recent prosecution reiterates the strong stance on illegal burning.
“The rules are in place to protect the health of our community and the environment, and the courts agree with us. The rules around burning are clear and can be found on our website and search #burning.”
“Keep an eye on your letter boxes over the coming weeks as we’re sending out 55,000 flyers to Hastings, Napier and Wairoa residents to make sure everyone knows the burning rules and can protect our community’s health.”
If any member of the public has information regarding unauthorised discharges to land, air or water they should contact the Council’s 24/7 Pollution Hotline on 0800 108 838.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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