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Commitment to partnership with tangata whenua

Published: 3 August 2016


Strong relationships with tāngata whenua are key to landing a workable draft management plan for the region’s high-value waterways, reflecting the community’s values and aspirations.

Today’s meeting of HBRC’s Regional Planning Committee considered the level of engagement so far with tāngata whenua as part of the TANK - Tutaekurī, Ahuriri, Ngararoro and Karamū - project.

The TANK Plan Change is reviewing the way land and water resources are managed in the Greater Heretaunga and Ahuriri area. Tāngata whenua representatives are core members of TANK’s collaborative group.

Māori Policy Advisor, Joyce-Anne Raihania has been in her role with HBRC since January this year. She has a significant focus on engagement, while working extensively on tāngata whenua relationships to assist the TANK project.

“One of the most important things for Māori and for policy-makers is the need to clearly identify the individuals who have the mandate to represent their respective marae and who can speak authoritatively on behalf of those they represent,” said Mrs Raihania.

HBRC is working with Te Manaaki Taiao - a strategically focused and sustainable regional unit of Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga - to conduct discussions to complete the Council’s recently-developed Tāngata Whenua Engagement Plan.

HBRC has also contracted Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated to deliver a Mana Whenua values and attributes report relating to Ngaruroro River. This report will identify significant issues for hapū and the mana whenua of the Ngaruroro, with results due for reporting late-September 2016.

Background on TANK

TANK is the acronym for a water and land-use focus on the Tutaekurī, Ahuriri, Ngaruroro and Karamū water catchments. More information on TANK is here.

Coordinated by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, the TANK collaborative stakeholder Group expect to recommend a draft management plan for TANK catchments to HBRC’s Regional Planning Committee. This will be either publicly notified or adopted in December 2017.  TANK Group has 30-plus members from tāngata whenua (representing ngā hapū and marae), primary sector, council and environmental interests. The next TANK Group meeting is on 9 August.




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