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Published: 20 January 2016
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council is concerned for the security of local homeowners.
HBRC has this week received calls from residents of Napier and Hastings properties.
People have been contacted and asked to commit to a time when they are home, usually out of business hours, for a technician to visit their property to conduct a water pressure test.
However, HBRC is not conducting water pressure tests. Napier City and Hastings District Council also confirm that they are not testing water pressure at residential homes.
Councils’ advice to residents is to be sure that a service call is valid before giving out any private details. If the call seems suspicious, they should not give out information and alert local Police.
Members of the public already contacted should also inform the Police.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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