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S-Map Workshop Popular

Published: 29 July 2016

S map image

A new workshop on getting the most out of S-map has been organised by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council and has proved so popular that a second session has been scheduled.

“This is the first workshop of its kind, and the high level of interest means that there is clearly a demand from professionals who want to get the full use from the technology and data for their organisations and clients,” says Dr Barry Lynch, HBRC’s Principal Land Scientist who has organised the training workshop.

The workshops on 1 & 2 August are now fully subscribed with around 80 people from fertiliser companies, environmental consultants, and district and regional councils in Wellington, Gisborne, Manawatu and Hawke’s Bay.  A team of Landcare scientists will be coming to Hawke’s Bay to deliver the workshop.

S-Map is a mapping tool developed by Landcare Research that Hawke’s Bay Regional Council has invested in to improve our knowledge of our regional soils. You can view S-map here.

S-map provides detailed information on soil types and their capabilities for best land use management for free on-line. Large areas of New Zealand soils are now mapped, including southern and central areas of Hawke’s Bay region and the wider Heretaunga Plains.  The whole of the Hawke’s Bay region will be mapped by June 2018.

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