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REDS action plan to transform Hawke's Bay

Published: 27 July 2016


Hawke’s Bay Regional Council is right behind the Matariki – Hawke’s Bay Regional Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan 2016 launched today.

HBRC Chairman Fenton Wilson acknowledged the strength of regional leadership in the room and spoke to the audience of the region’s business community, five councils and agency executives, councillors and kaumatua, including members of Parliament and government ministers.

“Partnerships is the key word for me today, showing that with strong partnerships across councils, across the region’s core agencies, our business and primary sectors and back to central government, we have our best opportunity to transform Hawke’s Bay and drive ongoing prosperity,” said Mr Wilson.

Today’s launch of the REDS Strategy and Action Plan put the focus on all agencies lining up to deliver better outcomes for Hawke’s Bay, along with a strong focus on the next phase of executing a plan of 44 individual projects, including employment initiatives, road access improvements and research capability enhancements .

More information on REDS can be found at or

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