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The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s Executive Team has a diverse range of national and international experience in local and central government, environment organisations and the private sector. You can find more information about the team below.
The role of the Chief Executive is the councillors Principal Advisor, to provide strategic leadership and ensure the Council is efficiently and effectively managed and led. Dr Nic Peet comes to us from Horizons Regional Council where he was Group Manager Strategy, Regulation and Science. He brings with him a wealth of environmental experience having previously worked with Department of Conservation (DOC) as an Area Manager in Whanganui and as a Research Associate in the United Kingdom for BirdLife International. Dr Peet earned his PhD in Ecology from the University of East Anglia in the UK.
The Integrated Catchment Management Group is the largest Group in the Regional Council and includes environmental science, environmental information, catchment management, biodiversity and biosecurity. Integrated Catchment Management is a process, which recognises that everything that happens within a catchment is linked. The aim is to integrate the Regional Council’s activities and those of others working within the catchment to achieve overall outcomes. Iain joined the Regional Council in 2011. Iain has been working in the management of freshwater resources for over 25 years. He has worked with Nelson’s Cawthron Institute as a Senior Freshwater Ecologist, a Regional Manager with Fish and Game New Zealand and the Department of Conservation.
The Asset Management Group is responsible for looking after a diverse portfolio of river, drainage and coastal engineering, capital project delivery, flood scheme operations and maintenance, water security and a regional park network. Chris has more than 20 years’ experience in strategic and operational engineering management roles in New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom.
Katrina grew up in Auckland and after graduating with a Masters and First Class Honours degree in Resources and Environmental Planning and Geography from the University of Waikato, started her career as a policy analyst at Taranaki Regional Council. She has spent over 20 years in central and local government working in policy roles with the Ministry of Transport and New Plymouth District Council, Environmental Consents Manager at the Hastings District Council and Customer and Regulatory Solutions Manager at the New Plymouth District Council. Katrina is a full member of the New Zealand Planning Institute and the Resource Management Law Association.
The Māori Partnerships Group ensures that the Council is informed of Māori perspectives and is meeting its Māori-specific statutory and Treaty Settlement obligations. Māori Relationship Managers assist the Council with navigating engagement processes as well as Cultural Capability and Mātauranga Māori specialists who will assist staff in understanding Te Ao Māori world views. Te Wairama Munro is the Te Pou Whakarae for the Māori Partnerships Group. She came to the Regional Council from her position as Business Manager of Ruapehu Recruitment, a social enterprise owned and led by the Ngā Waihua o Paerangi Trust. Her tenure with the Regional Council began as a Māori Relationship Manager. Ms Munro is of Ngāti Rakaipaaka, Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Hinepua, Ngai Te Ipu, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Te Wairoa, and Ngāti Kirihika descent.
Corporate Services play a vital role in the organisation by providing services such as finance, information technology, customer experience, communications, and services such as fleet management, and risk and assurance. I grew up on a sheep and beef farm in Kotemaori. I started my career based in Napier at Coopers and Lybrand. However I have spent the last 20 years in Wellington based in financial services. My career has spanned a large number of roles over this time primarily in finance, securitisation and funding, risk management and Internal audit, crisis management, and operational risk and compliance. I am a chartered accountant and outside of work play an active role in mentoring and facilitation for Chartered Accountants Australia and NZ for the last 10 years.
Shane leads the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Group, collaborating with the region’s five councils, partner organisations and communities to reduce natural hazard risks, strengthen community preparedness, enhance operational readiness, and respond effectively to major emergencies. With extensive experience in emergency management and capability development at local, regional, and national levels, Shane has made significant contributions to New Zealand's emergency management system. His background includes leading technical rescue teams during major emergencies across Aotearoa and serving as a volunteer firefighter. Shane’s dedication to the field has been recognised through several awards, including the Local Hero Award.
Diane has been with the Regional Council since 2001 and is Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive and Chairman. Before joining Council Diane worked for three years in Australia as Registrar and Headmaster’s Secretary at Toowoomba Prep School and prior to that has worked as a Personal Assistant in Legal practices in Hawke’s Bay.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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