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Help us shape the future of our region by standing as a candidate. Find out how to stand for council, the procedure for nominations, and how we can help.
There are no special qualifications required to stand for council.
The communities of Hawke’s Bay are diverse, and we want a council that reflects that diversity – of culture, ethnicity, age and passion – and from all backgrounds and walks of life. Skills gained through the following can be just as valuable as a university degree or professionsl qualification.
You don’t have to be highly educated or have a profession. Skills gained through the following can be just as valuable.
Councillors bring a broad range of skills to the role, such as:
To stand for council, you do need to be:
Please check that you have all the required documents when applying:
Candidates should:
We encourage you to attend a Council meeting to see what is involved. You can find our meetings schedule and links to watch meetings online on our page:
The main reason people don't vote is lack of knowledge about the candidates and their views.
A successful campaign is one where local residents know the key issues you stand for within the community. Here are some useful tips for connecting with people and getting more votes.
There are regulations around campaigning, including what can be spent and how and when signage can be displayed. For full details, see The Local Electoral Act 2001 on the Legislation website.
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s Facebook page must not be used for electioneering purposes. Any post - positive or negative - made by any individual specifically relating to their own - or someone else's - nomination, intention to run for the Regional Council or election campaign, will be removed immediately. Check out the Regional Council Social Media Guidelines, that provides information and rules around using social media for campaigning.
Find out more on the individual council websites below.
Central Hawke's Bay District Council
Napier City Council
Hastings District Council
Wairoa District Council
Ahead of the elections we will produce a booklet to help navigate through the process of standing for council. This is available online.
For more information about standing for council email HBRC’s Electoral Officer, Leeanne Hooper. Leeanne is happy to meet with you informally to chat about the role of councillor and answer any questions you may have.
For more information about standing for council, email HBRC’s Electoral Officer at
Taituarā (Local Government Professionals Aotearoa), in collaboration with LGNZ (Local Government New Zealand), has a national Vote Local website - a one-stop shop for information on preparing for Local Elections – for voters, candidates, teachers, and council staff.
With any councils establishing Maori wards last year, Taurikura NZ and Waikato-Tainui have collaborated to develop Maangai Taunaki, a series of waananaga to support candidates, campaign supporters and community champions. This information will be of interest to those thinking about standing as a candidate in the 2022 Local Elections.
All of the Mana Tangata Mana Maangai videos including the Maangai Taunaki candidate support series are available on the Mana Tangata Mana Maaori YouTube channel.
The Council, made up of 11 councillors representing 7 constituencies from October 2022, focuses on the big picture and on region-wide strategic decisions.
The political decision making at Hawke’s Bay Regional Council is made by the Council, as governing body, and in partnership with tangata whenua on the Regional Planning Committee, a statutory committee that considers the Council’s Resource Management Act policies and plans.
Committees receive briefings from staff through agenda papers and presentations. Councillors on these committees then make recommendations which can be debated again at the full Council.
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council is supported by a professional corporate organisation, led by the Chief Executive. Officers provide the Council with policy advice and are responsible for implementing the Council’s policies to achieve the results the Council wants. The Chief Executive and staff are responsible for managing day-to-day issues and implementing the Councils’ decisions and policies. The organisation has been structured under seven Groups, each headed by a member of the Executive Leadership Team.
The role of elected representative (councillor) includes:
Councillors |
Chairperson |
Part time (20 hours or more a week) Key responsibilities:
Full time, at least 40 hrs a week (A significant professional and personal commitment, including after hours and weekends, is required) Unlike a Mayor, where candidates stand for election to the role, the Regional Council Chairperson is elected by the new Council at their first meeting. Key Chairperson responsibilities:
Read the full role descriptions and responsibilities
Until Friday 4 July, 2025
Friday 4 July, 2025
12 noon
Friday 1 August, 2025
Wednesday 6 August, 2025
Friday 5 September, 2025
Tuesday 9 September, 2025
9-22 September, 2025
Election day
12 noon Saturday 11 October, 2025
Saturday 11 October, 2025
As soon as possible after voting closes
Thursday 16 October, 2025
Watch some useful videos from previous year's local elections.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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While every endeavour has been taken by the Hawke's Bay Regional Council to ensure that the information on this website is
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Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant
government agencies. Hawke's Bay Regional Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content.
Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online
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© Hawke's Bay Regional Council - / +64 6 835 9200 /