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There are various sources of funding available to support those affected by the Cyclone, whether an individual or a household, in the rural or agricultural sectors or a business. This page provides more information.
This scheme supports businesses that are highly impacted by the NIWE but can still receive commercial lending. The Crown will guarantee 80 percent of scheme loans provided by lenders to eligible businesses which should result in lower interest rates. You will need to contact your lender to see if you are eligible.
Scheme supported loans are available until 30 June 2024, for a maximum of 5 years from the date of issue.
More information about this scheme
The Rural Women’s Adverse Event Fund is designed to assist rural individuals (emphasis on rural women and children) and community groups who have experienced financial hardship due to the consequences of an adverse event.
Apply online or call 0800 256 467.
This helps farmers and other primary producers struggling with debt. The scheme uses neutral and independent mediators to help farmers and their creditors work through debt issues.
More information about this scheme
The Hawke’s Bay Disaster Relief Trust has now closed.
As of 16 August 2023 the Trust had approved and paid out the following:
Applications Made |
Total Approved |
Total Grants Paid Out |
Total Paid Out |
6,232 |
4,630 |
$6,492,641.64 |
$8,812,641.64 (this includes the payments to Territorial Authorities for stickered properties)
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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© Hawke's Bay Regional Council - / +64 6 835 9200 /