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Corporate and Strategic CommitteeTe Komiti Rangatōpū me te Rautaki

This committee considers and recommends to Council strategic planning initiatives including development of the Council’s Strategic Plan and other strategic initiatives with external stakeholders including District and City Councils.

Terms of reference

Chair: Xan Harding

Deputy Chair: Jock Mackintosh

Appointed Members: 1x Māori Committee (Peter Eden), 1x Regional Planning Committee tangata whenua rep (Keri Ropiha), and 1x Regional Planning Committee (Laura Kele).

Terms of reference was adopted by Regional Council on Wednesday 16 November 2022

The Corporate and Strategic Committee is responsible for recommending actions, responses and changes to Council for:

1. Establishing strategic priorities for organisational direction and performance including development of Council’s Strategic Plan

2. Development of Council’s Annual and Long Term plans

3. Establishing and maintaining strategic external partnerships with the region’s Territorial Local Authorities

4. Consideration of resourcing implications of strategic initiatives and significant financial matters

5. Corporate Services including information and communication technology, fleet and facilities, marketing and communications

6. The effectiveness of Council’s resource consent, compliance monitoring and enforcement activities

7. People and Capability management and Health and Safety and Wellbeing

8. The strategic direction of Council's investment portfolio and, where appropriate, the sale or acquisition of Council investments.

View Agendas and Minutes online


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