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Working for us means you get to work for the good of the environment in the company of a diverse range of highly-skilled specialists who achieve tremendous satisfaction from their work. At Hawke's Bay Regional Council there are more benefits to work than just a salary.
There aren’t many employers who offer career and lifestyle in a single package, but we're proudly one of them. We offer a wide variety of job opportunities, with lifestyle benefits and a values-driven culture.
We are committed to helping our people to truly be their best. We work hard to develop and nurture our people and ensure everyone has the opportunity to be successful.
Our people do some pretty extraordinary things in their day-to-day work. You'll be developing your career with other professionals who are passionate about making a difference in our community, and all working towards the same vision - a great local environment.
Whoever you are, whatever your skills, if you share in our values of partnership and collaboration, accountability, transparency and excellence then there may be an opportunity for you!
We work with our community to protect and manage the region’s precious taonga of rivers, lakes, soils, air, coast and biodiversity for health, wellbeing and connectivity. Our vision is for a healthy environment and a resilient and prosperous community – we invite you to join us to be part of this vision.
We pride ourselves on paying the market rate to our super talented staff. We want to retain those we are lucky enough to have and entice those who can help us be even better.
We also want you to feel welcome and valued. That’s why we’ve developed a comprehensive range of benefits focused on our employees lifestyle, health, safety and wellbeing.
Financial Benefits
Non-financial benefits and support
Learning and development
Having a great culture is at the heart of our organisation. Certain behaviours and values contribute to a great culture. We actively promote the kind of behaviour we want to see through our #LOVEHBRC campaign, showcasing some of our people and the great things they are doing. We believe the way we behave here at HBRC is just as important as the work we do.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
Disclaimers, Copyright & Privacy
Disclaimers and Copyright
While every endeavour has been taken by the Hawke's Bay Regional Council to ensure that the information on this website is
accurate and up to date, Hawke's Bay Regional Council shall not be liable for any loss suffered through the use, directly or indirectly, of information on this website. Information contained has been assembled in good faith.
Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant
government agencies. Hawke's Bay Regional Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content.
Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online
graphics and images are protected by copyright, unless specifically notified to the contrary. Externally sourced
information or material is copyright to the respective provider.
© Hawke's Bay Regional Council - / +64 6 835 9200 /