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To display charts for our environmental data on this websites, we use 'Highcharts'. This page helps explain some of the features of the Highcharts interface, so that you can get the best out of it.
The image below shows a typical Highcharts graph. On this page we will highlight some of the features of Highcharts, to help you alter what you see, and how much data you see at once, and how to download this data.
The areas covered are:
The zoom feature in Highcharts allows you to quickly select a time period to show on the chart. e.g. by selecting "3 years", this will zoom the graph to only show 3 years worth of data, from the most recent sample back.
The slider feature in Highcharts allows you to change the data you are viewing by moving the slider to the left or right. Simply use your mouse to pull one of the sliders in to show less data, and out to show more.
The hamburger menu in Highcharts allows you to view the graph in full-screen mode, and to print the graph. You can export the graph in different image formats, or you can export the actual data to CSV and XLS formats allowing you to use it for your own purpose.
If the graph is showing more than one series of data , the legend in Highcharts allows you to see what each data point is. It also allows you to turn each series of data on and off . If for example the rainfall data below is turned off, you would simply select the rainfall and it would then show on the graph, select it again to turn it back off.
Some of the graphs on the website allow you to change the date range so that you can load the graph with more data. You simply enter your dates using the calendar pickers and then select the "Update Graph" button. The graph will then update with the latest data that we have for that date range. You can then use the menu feature to export this data into CSV or XLS if required.
Note: Please be aware that it will only show the data from when monitoring started. When selecting large date ranges please be patient as the result may take time to return all the data required. If requesting more than 6 months' worth of data, please note that the chart will reduce down the intervals of data displayed.
Some of the graphs on the website have the ability for you to change between different data sets. A simple dropdown menu allows you to make a selection. Once you have made that selection the graph will update to show this new data.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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