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About CouncilNgā kōrero o tēnei kaunihera

Find out all about Hawke's Bay Regional Council, what we do, how we operate and our roles and responsibilities.

Work we do

Watch our 'behind the scenery' video to find out more about our work.

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New Zealand has 16 regional and unitary councils, of which Hawke’s Bay Regional Council is one. These councils are responsible for Aotearoa’s natural environment.

We manage the effects that people and animals have on freshwater, land, air and coastal water, as well as biodiversity, regional parks, flood protection, emergency management, environmental education and regional transport.

Our Council works with the region’s industries, farmers, iwi and communities to ensure the sustainable use, development and protection of our environment to support a strong regional economy.

We have over 300 staff at the Regional Council - working from four locations across the region. Our staff carry out day-to-day work and provide the information and expertise to support our Councillors in making sound decisions for the region.

Roles, responsibilities, and activities

Our activities and responsibilities are governed by a wide range of legislation.

We operate according to policies and rules contained in the:

A tile with illustrations of all of the work we do at HBRC

Responsibilities & activities, including:

Funding our work

We spend over $100 million a year to protect and enhance our environment. This is funded in several different ways. A portion of this comes from the rates you pay, but other funding comes from our investments, fees and charges, and borrowing. Find out more here. 

Who decides what we do?

The Hawke’s Bay community is represented by 11 representatives (our Councillors) elected by the community through local body elections held every three years. These representatives work in committees and make decisions and recommendations on a variety of matters. These are reported to or decided on at council meetings held once a month. Regional Councillors make key decisions about policies and budgets and represent the voice of our community.  Find out more about our Councillors here.

Our Purpose, Vision and Values

Find information on our purpose, vision, values and focus here.

Our strategic priorities

Our Strategic Plan was first adopted in August 2017 to help re-orientate the organisation to achieve priorities set by the elected Council for its term and beyond. Our strategy reflects a desire by the current Council to deliver strong, visible and connected regional leadership, protect and enhance Hawke’s Bay’s remarkable environment, and focus on achieving real results in areas of core business.

Our Council identified four areas of focus in 2020. These four pillars complement the “business as usual” work we do, and signal where more attention is needed in the short to medium term.

  • Water: Water quality, safety and climate-resilient certainty
    Te kounga o te wai, te haumarutanga me te mārohirohi ā-āhuarangi o te whakamarutanga

  • Land: Climate-smart and sustainable land use
    Kia koi, kia toitū hoki te whakamahinga o te whenua

  • Biodiversity: Healthy, functioning and climate-resilient biodiversity
    Kia ora, kia āhei, kia mārohirohi ā-āhuarangi hoki te rerenga rauropi

  • Infrastructure & Services: Sustainable and climate-resilient services and infrastructure
    Kia toitū, kia mārohirohi ā-āhuarangi hoki ngā ratonga me ngā hanganga ā-whare

Climate change action

On 26 June 2019, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council declared a climate emergency, recognising climate change to be an urgent and pervasive threat to human and ecological wellbeing.

The Council has reviewed both what we are doing to mitigate and adapt to climate change and how we communicate it and maintains a strong focus on climate action across all its programmes and activities.

Find out more about our Strategic Outcomes, Goals and Actions in our Strategic Plan 2020-25 



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While every endeavour has been taken by the Hawke's Bay Regional Council to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date, Hawke's Bay Regional Council shall not be liable for any loss suffered through the use, directly or indirectly, of information on this website. Information contained has been assembled in good faith. Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant government agencies. Hawke's Bay Regional Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online graphics and images are protected by copyright, unless specifically notified to the contrary. Externally sourced information or material is copyright to the respective provider.

© Hawke's Bay Regional Council - / +64 6 835 9200 /