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Hawke’s Bay Regional Council carries out many activities to improve the health of our region’s rivers and lakes and you can find information on these here.
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council carries out many activities to improve the health of our region’s rivers and lakes.
Much of this work happens on land, working direct with property owners, local councils, tāngata whenua, many agencies, sectors and wider groups.
Many of these activities are inter-related. Some have been underway for so long they’re ‘part of the woodwork’, such as the region’s flood control stop banks and drainage network.
Regardless, each activity contributes to maintain and improve the health of our precious waterways.
Every catchment in the region will in time have its own management plan. To date, the Regional Council has adopted and is implementing the Tukituki Plan (October 2015). A collaborative group is working hard on the TANK Plan covering the Heretaunga Plains and Ahuriri estuary. The Taharua and Mohaka Plan is also under development. The remaining catchments are also being prioritised for action.
The Council provides 23 flood control and drainage schemes in Hawke’s Bay to reduce the risk of flood and erosion damage, and from invasive pests. (Link to Flood Control Page)
The Council's groundwater monitoring network has some 43 wells across the region. Water Quality is sampled quarterly. (link to GW Quality page)
Many introduced plant species are considered weeds. Some cause serious harm to the environment or economic loss to agriculture. The Council has management plans in place, developed with community input, to meet the requirements of the Biosecurity Act 1993. (link to Pest Control pages)
The Council has a selection of natives sourced specifically to plant fenced-off waterways on farms. This practice is often referred to as Riparian Planting.
the Regional Council fences off rivers on the Heretaunga Plains where it owns or administers the land. We’re also working with private landowners on this.
In 2020 rules to prevent cattle and horses entering waterways will apply in the Tukituki catchment. No current regional rule prohibits stock grazing in or near waterways. (link to Stock Exclusion page)
Over the summer months, the Council carries out weekly monitoring of 38 recreational water spots to check on their suitability for swimming.
Over summer, samples are taken at beaches, rivers and at Lake Tūtira.
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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