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You can find all the TANK related planning maps on this page, as well as a TANK catchment map where you can search to find out if an address falls into the TANK catchment.
Planning Maps September 2022
Searchable maps at property scale are also available here
These maps show the water quality and water quantity water management units for all of the TANK catchment area.
Schedule 26 Water quality management areas
Schedule 26A Tūtaekurī
Schedule 26B Ahuriri
Schedule 26C Ngaruroro
Schedule 26D Karamū
Schedule 31 Water quantity management areas
Schedule 31A Tūtaekurī
Schedule 31B Ahuriri
Schedule 31C Ngaruroro
Schedule 31D Karamū
Schedule 31E Heretaunga Plains Groundwater
The following maps are not planning maps that are part of the Plan Change. However, they show the areas that Schedules 28 and 35 would generate using existing specified information or process. These areas could change over time, for example, as we improve water quality or if we get new data about the extent or nature of the aquifer such as through the recent new SkyTem survey of groundwater
Priority Catchments (refer to Schedule 28)
Risk of sediment loss
Nitrogen concentration
Nitrate yield
Dissolved Oxygen
Source Protection Zones (refer to Schedules 35 and 28)
Hastings Urban Water Supplies
Napier Urban Water Supplies
Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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