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The Waiohiki stopbank project is an initiative by Hawke's Bay Regional Council to construct a new 1080m stopbank that will provide enhanced flood resilience to the Waiohiki community.
The engineering solution for Waiohiki includes a new stopbank, and stream realignment.
Funding for the project comes from the integrated package agreed between all five Hawke's Bay councils and the Central Government.
Find information about our other projects including Pākōwhai here
The Waiohiki flood project has made significant progress this month. Stage one of enabling works – the creation of a material storage site for the stopbank – is nearly complete. The haul access road has been built under the bridge with good clearance for construction traffic, and erosion control measures are in place with the silt pond and fencing complete and a water cart in use for dust suppression.
Next steps: Stage two of enabling works starts soon, which involves transporting stopbank material from Ōmarunui Landfill to the new storage site. We’re also getting close to submitting our resource consent application for the stopbank and associated works to Hastings District Council and Hawke’s Bay Regional Council under the Severe Weather Emergency Recovery Order 2024.
Upcoming coffee and kōrero: Wednesday 12 March at Waiohiki Marae, 4.30pm-6.30pm, to discuss plans and next steps.
This phase includes identifying stakeholders, risks, optioneering, site investigations, project briefing and initial budgeting.
This phase includes cultural and stakeholder engagement, site investigations (including Geotech, archaeological and ecological assessments, topographic survey), design work, and land access.
This phase includes contract activities, management, surveillance and Quality Assurance (MSQA), producing technical reports, and the practical completion of the work.
This phase covers the handover and review activities, with final approval from the project sponsors.
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Te Whakapakari Tahi I Tō Tātau Taiao Enhancing Our Environment Together
+64 6 835 9200
159 Dalton Street. Napier 4110
Private Bag 6006, Napier 4142
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